Showing posts with label factory renovation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label factory renovation. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The office renovation contract is a written agreement between two parties on the renovation terms of services and obligations. A specific and solid contract is also the foundation for a positive renovation experience for both the renovation contractor and the client. The contract helps prevent conflicts from misunderstandings and false expectations from either party because it is the official paper to keep track of all the discussions and arrangements. No matter how great was your first impression on the renovation contractor from the first meeting or how much you trust that contractor, you may as well regret if after then something goes wrong, e.g. material costs increased or deadline compromised, and you have nothing to back up your words. Hence, a good contract would create a set of standard expectation and mutual understanding between two parties, and protect both parties involved.

You may also want to read: How to work in harmony with your interior contractor

You may also want to read: Office renovation that allows for organic development

Below are some of the fundamental, yet most crucial things you should include in the renovation contract before getting the work started.

1. A Physical Address. 
The suggestion here is to make the deposit to the contractor at a physical location stated clearly in the contract. Make sure that that address is an “active” one. This is to guarantee that if something goes wrong and you need to find your contractor, you know where to begin.

2. A License. 

This item is so obvious. A license indicates that the contractor is legitimate and has every legal right to process the renovation works on your property. Moreover, a valid license also implies that the contractor you are planning to hire can be trusted with the legal issues (if any) as that that contractor has been complying with the law.

3. Liability Insurance. 
You cannot plan out everything happened in a construction site. If you contractor does not have proper insurance and injuries accidentally occur, especially on your property, you might be held liability to the incidents. Hence, before everything started, you may need to do two things: (1) consult the local authority for the appropriate amount of liability insurance, and (2) examine if your contractor hold proper compensation insurance, and check the range that insurance cover when accidents happen.

4. Work-scope. 

There are numerous subtle works need to be done in an office renovation. Hence, before the renovation begins, you have to take some time list down everything, as detailed as possible for the contractor to grasp your expectations. This is the most ideal approach to get everyone on a same page in an agreement. If your interior designer and contractor are from the same interior renovation services provider firm, then this “agreement” might not be a big deal. Otherwise, you need to make sure that your interior renovation designer and contractor have some necessary communication to revise the designer detailed plans on works and date so that you may have someone to take the responsibility in case the final deliverables are not quite matched with your expectations. Thus, for the sake of your renovation project, if possible, you may want to use the full services of interior renovation to avoid any miscommunication between the interior renovation and the contractor.

5. Exclusions. 

A decent contract should also incorporate a checklist of exclusions – things that fall out of each party’s responsibility. Some of the items might be obvious, but some might not be visible until the renovation work (firstly, the destruction work) initiate. One of the things that bring heating argument to the contractor and client in any renovation project is the level of cleaning after the all the work has finished, so discuss this matter carefully. If there is any probability of finding asbestos behind the walls, consult your constructor. Even if he cannot tell for sure, but he has experience and may help you arrange contingency financial plan.

Initial agreement on the level of cleaning might help you avoid unnecessary conflict after the work is done

6. Timeline. 

Although renovation projects often take longer time to complete than anticipated for certain justifiable reasons, you still have to state the expected duration in the contract. This is a guarantee that even when you may not see your contractor regularly, the project still has to be completed on time. Thus even if you see that the progress is slow at some point, or delayed some time due to unavoidable incidents, you still can keep the proposed duration in the contract as a reference and adjust it to your situation.

7. Installments schedule. 

There is no standard schedule for such payments. All parties involved in the project should together come up with the most agreeable timeline for these payments. Here at Trends Interior, we recommend that installments are better paid at the end of each project’s milestone rather than completion percentages as it can also be a benchmark to what have both parties achieved so far in the project progress. However, as long as this payment terms are stated clearly the contract and you do not feel like you are paying significantly more than what you expect for the services, you can rest assure.

8. Warranty. 

The standard warranty for office renovation work is one (1) year from the official completion date. If you follow tips number 1 above and check the address your contractor put in the contract carefully, then you will know where to find him when something goes wrong.

Square Headquarters by Bohlin Cywinski Jackson in San Francisco, California

Ready to get on board with a professional interior designer and contractor firm for your office renovation,shop renovation or factory renovation? Contact us at +65 9023 4335 for a free initial consultation now!

You may also want to read: Tips on choosing the right interior renovation contractor

You may also want to read: Office Renovation – Do It Wisely.

Read more on Office Renovation!

Source: Trends Interior.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Effective office renovation can bring your office place not only the professionalism feeling but also the supportive environment to your employees; thus encourage the productivity of them. One of the most challenging parts of designing the office space is choosing the right office door to go with the whole design concept. A suitable office door can help the office impose the first positive impression not only on frequent guests, but also on the employees that come to work every day. The number one rule for selecting the appropriate type of office door is: it should serve the purpose of the room.

An office door design would focus on these features: framework, glass finish, shades and styles. Although themed partition walls occupy less space and is considered to be perfect for upholstering, it cannot be used all the time. Yet, your office doors renovation should comply with health and safety norms, as well as possesses a certain standard of artistic taste and function properly. Sometimes, using office door is a way to deal with workplace renovation needs and suit the financial situation of the company.

Automatic door is indeed a flexible type of door. They can seamlessly serve several requirements of a particular office entry such as the entrance size, traffic type and expected volume, and definitely the companies’ budget. Basically, you can consider them as another kind of wall partitions as they also provide you with the necessary privacy without making you feel being isolated from the outside environment. One of the things to keep in mind when installing these doors is that you have to pay attention to the safety devices fitting. For this you need to conform to certain rules accompanied with this kind of door regarding the fire precaution and other safety points associated with its design, use and construction.

Sliding door installations: these doors are the most flexible one in the collection of powered doors as it can meet with various operational requirements. You should ask your interior renovation design carefully about the sliding doors’ specifications such as how much it will curve, does it have multi-function operation or multi-activation opening feature, especially the low noise systems. Ask them the “life expectancy” of the door and its maintenance procedure. Make sure that they have process to fix the noise reduction technology applied on your door as no one would love to come into an oofice through a lousy and (seemingly) dangerous door.

Hermetic sliding doors: this kind of door would go well with workplaces that demand a certain level of hygiene or the highest standard of hygiene and sanitation actually. Those places are obviously hospitals, pharmaceutical manufacturers, operating theatres, food processing, micro-electrical plants, etc. the reason why hermetic doors are ideal for those places is that its special features provide the necessary security, preserve heat and insulate sound. Some of the more exceptional hermetic door can even protect you from fire, radiation, and air pressure. You can also add some of the more modern features such as: detection sensor, door button, remote control, foot switch, fingerprint biometrics and access control systems. These feature come with a cost but definitely worth the money.

Revolving doors: they cling to the center shaft and usually include 3-4 doors. They rotate on the central axis and give the prominence ambience for any workplace. Besides from the professionalism they bring, evolving doors also help in reducing energy usage of the office as it is one of the most energy efficient office door. These doors can be a little hard to use but are steady, convenient and easy to move.

It is highly recommended to consider every specification of each office door types before settle down with any type. You can seek help from interior design who has vast experience on these office door installation details. As mention above, when you hire a interior contractor to install these door, remember to check their maintenance procedure for your door, the longer term the better. However, the best office doors crafted using glass panels and thick frames are anodized so that the doors withstand everything that contemplates a busy office environment. Appropriate office door not only enhance the professional ambience and overall appearance of the workplace, but also promote the productivity of the employee.

Ready to get on board with a professional interior designer and contractor firm for your office renovation, shop renovation orfactory renovation? Contact us at +65 9023 4335 for a free initial consultation now!

Read more on Office Renovation!

Source: Trends Interior.

Friday, January 30, 2015

It is a big decision – choosing the right interior contractor for your property renovation, whether it is office renovation, shop renovation or factory renovation. After you have settled for the right interior renovation contractor for your renovation needs, then here comes the real collaboration period the two parties. Effective communication between parties is an important factor contributing to the success of the joined project.

In this article, Trends Interior demonstrates some useful tips on what to pay intention to when working with your interior contractor for the sake of your project success.

1. Payment. 

Remember that timely payment is of highest priority. You should pay maximum attention to maintain the scheduled payment, as per work finished. This practice allows your contractors to pay to his other sources such as subcontractors, material suppliers, workers, etc.

The point is as long as both parties comply with the project schedule, the friendly atmospheres will remain. If you delay the payment, you will be fully responsible to any setback in your plan, as without the fund injected, the contractor neither get the necessary supplies nor keep the worker onsite and maintain the working process. However, you may consider keeping around 10% in total of each scheduled payment as “collateral” and pay this amount back in full after all of the progress is completed.

A general completed office area in Geneva.

2. Communication. 

Define your plan and specifications clearly; then make the timeline and your expected deliverables clear to you constructor. There are several phrases in an interior renovation project. Before each phase, take your time to communicate with the contractor the tasks required for the period, the time needed to finish each task, and the level of completion and satisfaction you expect to see in the results at the end of that phase. You can compromise the timeline a little if any postpones happened due to uncontrollable factors. However, the overall timeline should be allocated properly to meet desires and keep up the contractor’s level of workmanship.

An office under construction in Florida.

3. Feedback. 

Be active in giving your interior contractor honest feedback, fair criticism and even referrals if you are willing to. Individuals have a tendency to be more expressive when they face issues and be less likely to speak up when they experience exceptional service; and that’s not fair.

Your opinions, whether it is negative or positive, are all important to the constructors. However, in either case, express your opinion in a constructive way. Even if they haven’t work up to your expectations or unable to work in compliance to the agreement, you should give them a chance by making your concerns and ask them for improvements. Ask them to motivate you to continue working with them first before taking any serious action. On the other hand, if they are doing a great job for you, don’t forget to compliment them, review them high praise on professional directories, social networks, etc. or even recommend them to other acquaintances of yours.

4. Availability. 

Sometimes, stressful situations arise. The contractor cannot make the final call alone and immediate decisions need to be made, then the owner should be accessible. If you are hardly available to the constructor for an appropriate amount of time, then you can consider hiring a project manager to not only supervise the daily works, but also settle certain decisions on your behalf. In that case, make sure you set the influence level of the project manager clearly.

5. Care. 

You can show your contractor and workers that you do care for them through small gestures. Those gestures might not be significant; you can just simply treat them lunch sometimes. However, it would motivate them to work for you more delicately. They would appreciate your consideration on their needs outside of work.

6. Sympathy. 

Be considerate and don't contact your builder outside of ordinary business hours. You should build a common understanding of both sides on this issue. For example, each party can contact the other outside official working hours for certain issues, but not on a regular basis. Interior, in the same way as you, have other responsibilities to fulfill outside of work, regardless of the possibility that they are simply spending time with their own family.

Ready to get on board with a professional interior designer and contractor firm for your office renovation, shop renovation orfactory renovation? Contact us at +65 9023 4335 for a free initial consultation now!

Read more on Office Renovation!

Source: Trends Interior.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Selecting the suitable contractor to carry out the requirements for your property renovation is a decision as important as having a talented architect to construct your office renovation ideas. The contractor is the one to transform your on-paper interior renovation ideas to the real deal. With the right choice of interior contractor, you would be less worried about the overall renovation process and extra-costs incurred. In other words, quality contractor would see your project on schedule and on budget.

In this article, Trends Interior introduces you with some simple steps to help you hire the right contractor for your project.

1. Seek and check references. 

There are two sources of reference you might want to check out: (1) from your acquaintances and directories; and (2) from the contractor’s previous clients.

(1) From acquaintances and directories:

Ask for experience of people you know and trust. If you think that your architect is reliable, you can ask him to introduce you a few of his “favorite” contractors, and sure he would have someone on his hand. Otherwise, talk to other sources such as your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, real estate agents, etc. or whomever you think that have got some similar renovation works done on their properties.

Search within your area for relating professional directories, you are likely to find some well-known contractors around. Then check out their websites, their reviews and their previous work to see if that information aligns with the expectations on your mind. If they are, you should get in touch with them for an initial consultation on their projects status and evaluate their potentials.

Above are the two examples of Singaporean company listings.

Are there recently completed or under-construction projects in your area? Ask the owners about their contractor and the working relationship they have with him or her.

(2) From the contractor’s previous clients:

When you contact each contractor, ask for their list of previous clients. Get in touch with these clients. If they are comfortable with you, you can ask them about their past experience working with that particular contractor. These are the some suggestions on what you may need to know:
  • Was the working relationship delightful?
  • How did the information exchange go? Did they communicate well enough to get the clients’ idea? 
  • Was the contractor fair and honest?
  • Did they manage to keep the project’s timeline and cover all requirements within planned budget? 
  • Were there unpleasant surprises regarding the process, the workers, the extra-costs, etc.? And how did they handle those issues?
  • How was the quality of the final deliverables and follow-up maintenance (if any)?

2. Verify contractors’ business licenses. 

Ask the potential contractors to show you their licenses, and make sure that those documents are valid. If you can, ask to see the contractor’s legitimate pocket license, picture I.D. and also insurance certificate.

The HDB Registered Renovation Contractors' Scheme (RRCS) was introduced to regulate and control the activities of Registered Renovation Contractors (RRCs)

A valid license would indicate that the company is trustworthy and is able to handle their legal issues (if any incurred). This license is also a guarantee on their responsibilities compliance to you. For instance, workers’ compensation insurance falls in the contractors’ responsibility, but if the contractor does not possess a license, he may deny the responsibility of carrying out proper insurance.

3. Check out the portfolio. 

Ask the contractor for their portfolio, go check out some of the completed and under- construction projects that are similar to yours in size and in style. Refer to these following criteria for assessment:
  • How do the construction sites look?
  • How do the completed projects look? Still prevailing or diminished in quality?
  • Does the work carry a warranty, and are problems corrected?

Check out the under construction sites of the potential contractors to see how they process the projects and how they organize the location.

4. Understand the contract. 
After you have selected the contractor of your taste and your plans are already in permit-review, start looking into different contract agreements. Discuss all the terms in the contract. Pay special attention to the costs anticipated and spare about 5% to 8% on additional costs. With good planning and management, these costs can be minimized. Do not sign the contract until you get the permit and finalize all the categories and expected costs.

With decent research and planning at the beginning, you may save thousands of dollars of unexpected costs when your project is under construction.

There are far more reputable, honest and hardworking contractors than there are the slapdash, fly-by-night operations we read about in the news. With proper planning and research, you will find the perfect contractor for your project. Invest the time and remember that spending a few extra dollars in the beginning could save you thousands of dollars in the end.

Ready to get on board with a professional interior designer and contractor firm for your office renovation, shop renovation orfactory renovation? Contact us at +65 9023 4335 for a free initial consultation now!

Read more on Office Renovation!

Source: Trends Interior.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

There is no doubt planning for a new office layout is not an easy job. Whether it is setting up a new office area or redesigning the layout for current area, one of the most critical things to consider is organic generation tendency of that existing area. If you overlook the natural organic development of an office space, then when extra staffs come in or new departments established, you might have to spend much on the office renovation; or else you might have to watch your office becoming less and less efficient and productive.

Office organic development refers to the fact that most office space tends to develop over time. Various business-relating factors such as increasing the human resources or expending the business to new target markets are inevitable motivation behind the need of office renovation further down the line.

Other three significant factors are: Human Resources, Storage and Technology Development.


From small size office to big corporate ones, modular desks are amazingly prevalent these days, giving the chance to make gorgeous office spaces quickly. They can make great utilization of the space without creating a crowded appearance.

Sample of Effective Modular Desk 

But you should not purchase desks based exclusively upon the quantity of staff you presently employ, or the quantity of machines they are utilizing. Instead, do consider carefully before buying modular desks of unusual shapes if there is any probability that you will need to grow or adjust the workplace in future, since this could reduce the overall appeal of your office due to the act of breaking up modules of those unique modular desks.

Sample of Creative Modular Desk 


Another motivation behind the need of adaption and expansion of office area is storage. In the modern era, most businesses try to retain as much necessary information on computers and digital networks as possible. It is unavoidable that we still keep an enormous amount of documents in paper form such as letterheads, leaflets, promotional materials, reference materials, and training documents, etc. Hence, occasionally, it would be necessary to expand the current office space.

A Messy Office Storage...

vs. a Well-organized and Extendable Office Storage 

If in the initial office layout, further storage need has not been considered thoroughly, then there will be a time when the current storage capability become overload, hence make it difficult to locate the important documentations. In another case, the documents might be spread across a variety of drawers and boxes; hence make it extremely hard to keep track and organize the information. By logically designed the storage, the categorization of document would be much painless. For example, you can set up the separate storage area for papers that need to be stored securely in compliance with legislation and other areas for short-term used documents, those that can be destroyed when no longer significant.


Another reason for the organic development of office spaces is the constant update of technological solutions applied in the office. The examples of these innovations are obvious: Computers replaced with newer models, monitors replaced with flat panels, printers, faxes and photocopiers, etc. as the technology can adapt and change very rapidly. If you want to see your business stay focused and competitive, then it will presumably be essential for you to exploit new technological alternatives and capacities.

You should not let the poor office design directly limit your choice of technology and digital solutions. Imagine when your business requires some new technological incorporated and you current desk furniture in particular, or your whole office layouts cannot be adjusted sufficiently to certain demands. How furious would that be?

This is precisely what might happen when you figure out that you need to replace the old bubble jet, inkjet or dot matrix printers with the faster and more professional laser printer. You might need to dedicate a whole desk to set up that kind of printer. How would you plan to “re-locate” the employee currently using that desk? It is ridiculous to even bring out the question: an employee or a new printer would be more efficient for the business? It is undeniable that you do not want to find yourself trapped in such “dilemma”. Rather, you want your options to be opened and you will decide on what benefits most for your ongoing business. An office design which allows for organic development, adjustment, and necessary expansion would embrace your flexibility in decision making further down your business road.

Modern IT Office Design with Hanging Projector.

If you are designing your office from scratch, it is recommended to pay high attention to the distribution power sockets and network points wisely. The renovation of office space is too commonly being constrained around those power supplies placement and networks terminals. So when you have the opportunity, take these things in to consideration seriously, decide on where they can be most conveniently sited.


Overall, when you arrange your office space, do remember to think about ways in which it could expand later on. This practice would help you anticipate the expanding options in the future without needing to wind up restricted by electrical attachments, network points or existing technological solutions A decent office format ought to also be intended for the future office as well, not just the one you're constructing in the present.

Let us help you along the way to modern and efficient designs of office renovation, shop renovation or factory renovation. Contact us at +65 9023 4335 for a free initial consultation now!

Read more on Office Renovation!


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Regarding modern office design, there has been a constant dispute over whether the advantages of glass partitions overcome its own disadvantages. Traditional manager argue that glass partitions would contribute to the distraction of employees, thus lead to the diminishing productivity. On the contrary, those with contemporary style of management believe that the most effective way to boost employees’ performance is to establish an open and inspirational working environment, firstly through office design ideas with glass partitions application. Set aside this aspect of glass partitions, one of the equivalently significant concerns of managers on office design with glass partitions is the cost efficiency of that solution. Here at Trends Interior, we know that each office design brings distinctive effects on the performance of your employees, let us illustrate how glass partitions contribute to your company increasing productivity.

Glass wall partitions at Rustic Vanhaerents Office Interior Corridor.

One of the obvious offerings of glass wall partitioning is that it can conceive the motivational atmosphere among the workforce, thus trigger the employee to handle the work load faster. This means that tasks can be carried out with higher speed and probably of higher standard as people with more relaxed mind usually come up with better ideas and those who are drought in stress and isolation. The reduced amount of time and human resources on specific task can be allocated to other projects, thus help boost the overall productivity of the whole company, and enable the managers to take on extra projects. This kind of benefits is intangible, but is undeniable, especially in the long term.

Corporate Appeal
It is true that business is a battlefield, and the competition scheme nowadays is getting more extreme than ever. Wining a new client has never been harder, as clients are getting smarter and more informative than before. Your company would need every edge available to embed a strong impression on potential clients. These days, big corporations usually install glass partitions for their office as those glass walls have the ability to generate a creative and professional corporate feel at the same time for their offices.

Glass wall partition can create a professional look for your company.

Glass partitions with a highly-organized placement of furniture can help create a comfortable and inviting atmosphere for the clients when they spend time in your office meeting for potential collaboration or working with you in a contracted project. In the event that your company wants to target premiums brands or corporations, then we highly recommend you to consider applying glass partitions for a modern and trendy look, and also for the stated reason.

One of the most obvious financial benefits that glass partitions bring your company is the reduction in office lightning usage throughout the day. The more natural light radiated through the office glass walls, the less electricity used for lightning. This could help cut down the company’s yearly utility expenses significantly, hence increase its energy efficiency. This effect can lead to the reduction of company's carbon footprint. The company can gain positive ethical reputation and appeal to potential clients in terms of having invested sustainable efforts in environment protective measures.

Lights emitted through glass partitions - energy usage efficiency.
The final and may be the most convenient financial benefit of glass partitions is its flexibility. It’s not that glass walls can be bent to desired shape (actually it also is); flexibility here refers to the fact that glass partitions can be easily be removed when you need extra spaces or relocated when you want to change the layout of your office. This kind of demountable glass walls gives you the ability to easily get your office adapted to any expected and unexpected adjustment in your on-going business.

Here at Trends Interior, we provide the full services of glass partitions installment for your office renovation, shop renovation or factory renovation. Let us help you along the way. Contact us at +65 9023 4335 for a free initial consultation now!
Read more on Office Renovation!

Source: Trends Interior and other reliable Interior design sites.